Kentico CMS 6.0 Context Help

New/edit allowed forum

New/edit allowed forum

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New/edit allowed forum

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On this page, you are either creating or editing a new allowed forum in a smart search forum index. Allowed forums are those which will be indexed.


Use the Site name drop-down to choose the site whose forums will be indexed. If you select (all), all forums on all sites in the system will be indexed. Only websites assigned to the index on the Sites tab are available for selection.


If you select a particular site, click the Select button next to the Forums field. The Select forums dialog appears.


In the Select forums dialog, use the Forum group drop-down to select a forum group. Its child forums will be listed below. To include a forum in the index, enable (Enabled) the appropriate check-boxes.


Alternatively, the code names of forums, separated by semicolons, can be entered manually into the Forums field. All forums on the selected site can be added to the index this way, including group forums. The asterisk character (*) can be used as a wildcard for any number of characters.


For example, entering *community* would add all forums that contain the string community in their code name to the index.

More resources can be found at:


Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Smart search -> Overview
Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Smart search -> Managing indexes -> Defining forums index content.