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This tab is only displayed if object versioning is enabled and allowed for the currently edited object type, or if the currently edited object has some versions (in this case, object versioning needn't be enabled and allowed for the object type). In the Object history grid on this tab, you can see all versions of the currently edited object.


Particular versions are differentiated by their number displayed in the Version number column. The current version is always the one in the top line of the grid. If object versioning is disabled additionally when there are already some versions, the top version needn't contain current object data if the object was edited after object versioning had been disabled.


Above the grid, you can find the following two buttons:


Make current version major - promotes the current object version to a new major version (e.g. if the latest version is 2.3, it is promoted to 3.0).
Destroy history - deletes all listed versions of the object.


In each objects's row, you can find the following actions in the Actions column:


View View version - opens a new window where field data of the version can be inspected and compared side-by-side with data of another version.
Undo Rollback version - performs rollback of the object to the particular version. If the object has some child objects (e.g. alternative forms, transformations, queries, ...), they are not included in the rollback.
Delete Delete - deletes the version so that it is no longer available in the version history.


The following action is available in the object menu accessible by clicking the ArrowBottom button in an object's line:


RollbackWithChildren Rollback with children - if the object has some child objects (e.g. alternative forms, transformations, queries, ...), it performs rollback of the object to the particular version, while child object data are rolled back as well. If it does not have any child objects, only the object itself is rolled back.


More information about object versioning can be found in Developer's Guide -> Development -> Object versioning.