Kentico CMS 6.0 Context Help

General tab

General tab

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General tab

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On this tab, you can set the general properties of the group:


Display name - name of the group displayed on the site and in the administration interface
Code name - name of the group used in site code
Description - text describing the group
Group pages location - node alias path of the location where group pages of the group are stored
Theme - allows the selection of one of the website CSS stylesheets that will be used by the pages of the group
Avatar - group avatar image


Approve members - determines if users can join the group with or without group admin's approval; the last options allows invited members to join without the approval
Content access - determines who can view content of the group pages
Notify group admins when a user joins/leaves - if checked, group administrators will receive notification e-mail when a user joins/leaves a group
Notify group admins on pending members - if checked, group administrators will receive notification e-mail when a user requests joining a group and admin's approval is needed


Created by - displays who created the group
Approved by - displays who approved the group to be created on the site

More resources can be found at Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Groups -> Overview.