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Event detail

Event detail

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Event detail

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In this pop-up window, you are viewing detailed information of an event in the Event log. The following details are displayed, while some of them may not be displayed if not applicable.


Event ID

Identifier of the event.

Event type

Type of the event. There are three types of events that can occur:


Information - standard event.
Warning - standard event with higher importance, e.g. application restart.
Error - critical error event, e.g. an unfinished operation, unhandled exception, etc.

Event time

Time when the event occurred.


Source module where the event occurred.

Event code

Code of the event. These codes depend on the type of performed action.

User ID

ID of the user who performed the action that raised the event.

User name

Username of the user who performed the action that raised the event. If blank, the event was not raised by a user action, but was raised by the system itself.

IP address

IP address of the user who performed the action. If blank, the event was not raised by a user action, but was raised by the system itself.

Document name

Name of the document to which the event is related. If blank, the event was not document‑related.


Text describing the event.

Site name

Name of the website where the event occurred.

Machine name

Name of the server where the event occurred. Useful e.g. when running the system in a web farm.

Event URL

URL of the page where the event occurred.

URL referrer

URL of the page from which the event was raised.

User agent

User agent of the browser used when the event was raised.


More information about the Event log module can be found in Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Event log.