Add forum
Forum display name |
The name that will be displayed on the website. |
Forum code name |
The name used in your code. |
Description |
Description of the forum displayed on the website. |
Forum base URL |
URL displayed when users access the forum; e.g. ~/MyForums.aspx |
Forum unsubscription URL |
URL of the page where users can unsubscribe from the given forum. |
Require e-mail address |
Indicated if e-mail address should be required from the post author. |
Display e-mail address |
Indicates if the e-mail address of the post author should be visible for other visitors. |
Enable WYSIWYG editor |
Indicates if visitors can use the WYSIWYG editor for entering text. |
Use security code (CAPTCHA) |
Indicates if users need to retype the security code displayed as an image - this feature helps you avoid spam in the forums. |
Forum is open |
Indicates if the forum is visible and can be accessed. |
Forum is locked |
If checked, new posts can't be added to the forum, but the forum is still accessible for viewing. |
Forum is moderated |
Indicates if posts need to be approved by a forum moderator. |
More resources can be found at: