Kentico CMS 6.0 Context Help

Abuse reports list

Abuse reports list

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Abuse reports list

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On this page, you can see a list of abuse reports. These are reports from site visitors who noticed spamming, indecent posts or some other kind of website abuse on your website.


The top part of the page is a filter. By default, you get all reports displayed in the list below it. Using the filter, you can display only those reports that match the specified criteria. Available filtration parameters are Title, Status and Site from which the report was sent. To filter the reports, enter the appropriate parameters and click the Show button. A list of reports matching the criteria will be displayed.


The Status column shows which status is the report currently in. You can use the statuses to mark reports, so that New, Solved and Rejected reports can be distinguished from each other. By switching a report to a status, only the status changes - no other action happens. In other words, status switching is here just for your convenience, but you need to perform a suitable action manually.


The following actions are available for each of the listed reports:


Edit Edit - if clicked, the user will be redirected to report properties page, where you can edit the report's properties
Delete Delete - deletes the report
Approve Mark as solved - switches the report to the Solved status; used to mark reports for that the necessary actions have been taken
Reject Mark as rejected - switches the report to the Rejected status; used to mark reports that were not considered being cases of website abuse


After clicking the ArrowBottom icon in the header of the Actions column, a context menu is displayed, offering options for export of listed data to various types of files.


If you click a title of a report, you will be redirected to the page that the report was sent from. If you mouse-over it, report description entered by the sender of the report will be displayed in form of a tooltip.


Detailed information about the Abuse report module can be found in Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Abuse report.