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This tab contains reports that display conversion statistics measured for the currently edited A/B test.


The From and To fields on the right can be used to enter a time period for the reports. Only conversion hits that were logged during the specified interval will be included in the data.


The following options allow you to choose which unit of time should be used in the reports:


WebAnalyticsHour Hour
WebAnalyticsDay Day
WebAnalyticsWeek Week
WebAnalyticsMonth Month
WebAnalyticsYear Year


This selection determines the length of time which is represented by individual units in the report's graphs and the precision that can be specified in the From and To fields.


Data in the reports is represented by two possible types of graphs. The line charts show the progress of the selected conversion statistic over time and display combined data for all of the A/B test's variants. The bar graphs contain details for individual units of time according to the selected report type (hours, days, months etc.). The Conversions drop‑down list may be used to select which conversion's statistics should be displayed. Reports for the following A/B testing metrics are included:


Conversions count - displays the number of conversion hits logged for the current A/B test. If the (all) conversions option is chosen, then the sum of the hits logged for all conversion types will be shown. In the line chart, the conversion count is added together for all page variants defined for the A/B test. In the bar graph, the number of conversion hits is divided into categories that represent individual page variants. This allows you to compare the A/B test's variants and determine which one generated the most conversions (in absolute terms).


Conversions value - displays the sum of the conversion values logged for the current A/B test. If the (all) conversions option is chosen, then the combined values of all logged conversions will be shown. In the line chart, the values are added together for all page variants defined for the A/B test. In the bar graph, the conversion values are sorted according to individual page variants, which allows you to compare them and determine which one generated the highest total conversion value. This allows you to easily evaluate the A/B test's variants when using weighted conversions that have a different level of importance.


Conversions rate - this statistic is calculated as the amount of logged conversion hits divided by the total number of visitors on the tested page (and its variants). If the (all) conversions option is chosen, then the rate will be measured as the percentage of visitors who generated at least one conversion hit of any type. In the line chart, the rate is displayed for the amount of visitors and conversion hits logged for all of the test's page variants combined. In the bar graph, the conversion rate is shown for individual page variants. This allows you to compare the A/B test's variants and determine which one encouraged the highest share of its visitors to perform a conversion.


Conversions source pages - displays hit statistics for individual conversions that were logged as part of the current A/B test during the specified time interval. The data logged for the chosen conversion is categorized according to the page variants defined for the given A/B test. This allows you to easily determine which variant generated the most conversion hits of the selected type.


Conversions by variants - displays details of the number of hits logged for each conversion by individual page variants. You can select the variant that you wish to evaluate from the Variants drop‑down list. The hits logged for the chosen variant are divided into categories that match individual conversions. This allows you to easily measure which conversions are performed most commonly by visitors assigned to the selected page variant.


The following actions may also be performed for every report:


Save Save - saves the report in its current state (according to the selected time interval). To view saved reports at a later time, go to CMS Desk -> Tools -> Reporting, select the matching report under the A/B testing category and switch to the Saved reports tab.
Print Print - allows the report to be printed. The available options depend on the used browser.
DeleteData Delete data - can be used to clear all conversion hits logged during the specified time period for the current A/B test. Please note that this permanently removes the data from the database. This action is only available for users who have the Manage data permission for the Web analytics module.


The data displayed in the reports can be exported into external files using various formats. This can be done by right‑clicking on a specific graph, which will open a context menu offering the following options:


ExcelExport Export to Excel - exports the data displayed by the given object to an XLSX spreadsheet.
csvexport Export to CSV - exports data to a CSV file.
XMLExport Export to XML - exports data to an XML file.


After you select an action from the menu, your browser's standard file download dialog will pop up, letting you open or save the file with the exported data just like when downloading any other type of file. For more details on the data export feature, please refer to the Modules -> UI data export chapter of the Developer's Guide.


More resources can be found in Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Website optimization -> A/B testing.